One Year Living in an RV Full Time as a Solo Female RVer - including my budget!

One Year Living in an RV Full Time as a Solo Female RVer - including my budget!

Lessons I've learned in one year of living in an RV, including how much it cost. Did I stay within my budget?

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Chasing the Winter Sunshine in Florida in my RV

Chasing the Winter Sunshine in Florida in my RV

I love Florida, and my family lives here. So it makes sense to spend my winters in Florida in my RV. The milder temperatures in Florida in the winter don’t hurt either. How was I able to spend the winter in Florida for only $4.47 a night? Without struggling to find a campground to stay in?

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RVing as a Solo Female

RVing as a Solo Female

When I first meet people, and we talk about where we are from and where we are going, a common conversation among RVers, many are surprised, and curious, when they find out I am doing this alone as a solo female RVer. RVing as a Solo Female may not be the norm, but just because I don't have a partner, it doesn't mean I can enjoy this lifestyle.

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7 Benefits of Having Solar Power in An RV

7 Benefits of Having Solar Power in An RV

As I am planning and booking sites for my next big trip, I am looking at options that do not have any hookups. So I think it’s a good time to talk about having solar in an RV, and what I have found to be the 7 benefits of having a good solar system set up in my RV.

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8 Months of Full-Time RV Living

8 Months of Full-Time RV Living

This has for sure been a year of changes and adventure. From paring everything I own down to the bare basics (almost), to adding things back in as I feel I still want them or they would make a big difference in my quality of life. As I’ve said before, I am not looking to live a life completely off grid, although it is nice sometimes, and I like having the ability to do that. I love camping in the woods and I like living in my camper in more urban areas. I enjoy having options, and variety.

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My First Big RV Adventure

My First Big RV Adventure

A trip for me used to be hopping on a plane and taking the fast route to get to a destination so I could get where I wanted and get back quickly enough to get back to work. I lived for my vacations. With my new lifestyle, I don’t have to do it quickly. I can take my time, take in the local sites, and explore places I wouldn’t normally have done.

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Starting My Full-Time RV Adventure

Starting My Full-Time RV Adventure

How to create a sustainable, debt-free lifestyle while enjoying life, traveling, creating memories, spending time with the people I love, and making new friends along the way.

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